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3 Customer Care Tips From Successful Hair Salons

It goes without saying that without your customers, your business wouldn’t be a success. Building a relationship with your customers is extremely important if you want to retain them.

A successful salon does not measure the number of clients it receives on a daily basis, but the ones that become regulars. If you have regular customers, there’s a guarantee that they will become your marketers.

A survey conducted by Nielson shows that word-of-mouth recommendations are the most credible form of marketing.

So, if you want to up-sell your salon and increase revenue, it’s imperative to build a strong customer service. Here are 3 tips from experts to take into consideration:

Keep Your Salon Clean

Sure, it can be difficult to maintain your salon when you don’t have time on your hands. But your customers will take notice of this immediately. You can’t fool them. As a salon, you need to maintain the hygiene of your workplace.

If there are hairs on the floor, empty product bottles lying on the countertops, and stained towels, your clients will not come back a second time.

Hire someone to do the cleaning if you can’t, or do it first thing in the morning after you open your salon. You can also pay your staff extra to help with the cleaning but they should be practicing cleaning up after they are done providing service to a client!

Don’t Just Listen, Implement

You’ve heard a client complain a dozen times about something. You’ve listened to them more than once and so has your staff. But you don’t do anything about it.

This is wrong and shows that you couldn’t care less about what your clients think. Show them that they are valued customers.

For example: if a client complains about a squeaky, wobbly chair, get it replaced as soon as possible!

The Invisible Client

Train and educate your receptionist about customer care. If a client walks in to find the receptionist deep in conversation with another person, ignoring them guarantee their premature departure.

At the very least, acknowledge their existence and show them that they matter. Ask them to take a seat and offer them snacks.

This will show that you value their opinion and care about them, even if you can’t attend to them immediately.

These are just some of the many tips to keep in mind when dealing with customers.

While you do offer the best services, you can’t bring people in if they don’t know you exist. This is why marketing is crucial. And that is where we come in!

Salon Income Booster offers marketing ideas and strategies to help customers increase their salon revenue and gain customer loyalty.

To learn more, click here to contact us today!