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5 Steps to Running Your Own Nail Salon

With around 56,386 nail salons in the US generating approx. 8.53 billion US dollars in 2017 alone, how can you make your establishment stand out from the rest?

Each nail salon has unique aesthetics, different services and a particular brand. They focus on offering a complete experience to their customers. And through that, are able to maintain their standing in the community and the industry.

But becoming a part of such a franchise is not done by just establishing a business plan, getting the start-up cost and capital, gaining licenses and permits and choosing the right location. Running a nail salon requires several steps, on a creative abstract scale.

Here are the basic five steps that you need to know!

1. Stamp Out a Clear Vision

What makes your salon so unique? With such fierce competition, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to present to your customers. And that needs to be something that they’re not already getting from somewhere else. A zen atmosphere, custom acrylic nails, newer designs, the latest nail trends – you must have a vision of what you want your salon to offer that others won’t get from other salons.

2. Aesthetics must be On-Point

Focus on more than just the equipment and the high quality services you provide. Your interior and exterior should reflect the level of commitment you have to your salon. And by that, we mean that you should present a gorgeously designed, luxury setting. Don’t spend a fortune doing so. But simply try to step up your game and make the surroundings memorable, in a positive way.

3. Furniture Matters

Think about it. Will your clients feel more relaxed in a plush reclining chair while they get their nails done, on in a stiff plastic seat? Instead of going for cheaper alternatives, try harder to give your clients a high-quality setting. Your ROI will more than make up for any money you’ve spent so far.

4. Show Your Employees You Care

Your customers need to be loyal to your salon, not your employees. One way to retain that loyalty is by helping out your staff. If your staff isn’t happy with their working conditions, they’ll present a negative outlook of your establishment and that will transfer into your customer’s opinion of you. Listen to your staff’s concerns, offer health insurance and paid vacation and make them realize that you value their services.

5. Harness the Power of Social Media

Print advertising and word-of-mouth advertising are effective but only on a small scale. If you want to bring in more customers, connect to them through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Ask for suggestions and feedback. Do what you can to show them that there is a person behind that salon brand.

Improve Nail Salon Sales

As a new business owner, you need all the help you can get. Read up on the top challenges you may have in your salon and learn how to overcome them. Learn from professionals in the field on how you can create a loyal customer-employee relationship.

Salon Income Booster provides marketing strategies and salon income generation techniques to help your salon rise to the top.