
A Definitive Guide To Buying A Hair Salon

The salon industry in the US is huge and is a vital contributor to its private sector economy. From the perspective of an entrepreneur; investing in a hair salon is considered a relatively safe business. This is because hair and beauty salons continue to bring in financial returns even during recession periods. Following the first quarter

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That Awkward Moment When a Client Asks For a Discount

Beauty salons are a place women visit on a monthly basis to feel and look good. While many women take out the time to visit a salon to maintain their hair, skin, and nails, others enjoy the relaxing treatments and ‘me time’ it provides. According to SBDCNet, $20 billion are spent every year on salon

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Why Online Booking Is The Way To Go

Time is money; every client you take in generates revenue for your salon. The more you can accommodate, the more money your salon makes. It’s simple math. The salon industry is huge. According to SBDCNet, $20 billion are spent on salon treatments every year. And what salon wouldn’t want to maximize their piece of the

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Time Management for Salons

Managing a salon is a time-consuming job, and salon managers tend to take on more workload than any other employee. In some cases, the manager of the salon is its owner too, adding to their responsibilities. There are so many aspects of the business you need to take care of when you’re the manager. This

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Salon Business Maintenance 101

Big or small, every business needs to follow certain ground rules for it to run smoothly. Even though it sounds pretty basic for a business that’s already up and running, business management will only cut down the risks of mishaps.

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Make the Most From Beauty Trade Shows

Salon owners need to work hard to maintain their businesses and help them thrive; it’s a day to day struggle, to put it mildly. Over the last few years, salon sales have only increased by 3%, proving how difficult it is to be successful in this industry.

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Target the Mature Ladies When Marketing Your Salon

Why should salon services be restricted to women in their prime when there are also those who are fifty and fabulous? Gone are the days when fashion magazines, clothing brands, cosmetic brands, and salons branded their business using images of attractive young models. 2019 has already brought glad tidings for the older community by making

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Strategies to Help Reduce No-Shows at a Salon

Let’s face it: clients failing to show up on the day of their appointments can mean bad business for salons in the long run. Client no-shows at your salon can dampen the success of a flourishing salon business by incurring costs that could easily be avoided otherwise.

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Client Birthdays Are More Important Than You Thought

Salon businesses hinge upon the bonds they make with their clients. The more trusted, welcoming, and valued your services are, the more likely the client is to return. It’s not as much about the transaction that takes place at the salon billing counter than it is about the time spent getting a good massage from

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Get Precious Feedback From Salon Clients

Many salons tend to ignore the importance customer feedback holds in improving customer care, salon services, and brand goodwill. They believe that they have the capacity to fully understand what the client might like and dislike and make decisions accordingly. However, this is rarely true!

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Valentine’s Day Strategies for Salons

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, women throughout the city will be chasing sales, checking out jewelry items, trying on new pumps, and placing orders for customized cupcakes. But the industry with the most seasonal business will definitely be cosmetics and salons. With 14 Feb circled in bold red on calendars, women will scour

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Marketing Ideas For Salons If You Only Have 10 Minutes

Salon businesses are unique. They are not only important hair and beauty service providers but they’re also excellent hubs for social gatherings. Back in the day, salons presented the very rare opportunity for many women to step outside of their homes. They were also aesthetic enterprises and worked to implement the latest styles and trends

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Why You Should Invest In A Hair Salon

If you went out and asked a bunch of people whether they wanted to make money or spend money, most of them would say they want to make money. It’s an appealing prospect after all: everyone wants to have a steady source of income that gets them a continuous supply of money. And everybody wants

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There And Back Again: How To Keep Clients Coming Back

Customers—especially the new ones, who’ve only just begun to visit your salon—don’t come with a mind to keep coming back. They’re coming to test the waters, and will probably check out other establishments before deciding on which salon to become loyal to. And while it’s always a titillating thought to embark on new creative marketing

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Salon Endorsements: Influencers Or Celebrities?

If you are someone who is an avid follower of social media celebrities and influencer culture, you will know how successful some of them have become. Influencers and celebrities now walk shoulder to shoulder. They are invited to the same events, and many of them have grown to form friendships. Real or fake, who are

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If Showered On A Client, Love’s Labor Is Never Lost

If you’ve been in the salon business for a long time, you’ll know how important it is to connect with your clients.  Clients look for comfort, as well as a safe environment with a reliable and trustworthy stylist in a salon. As a stylist, you’ve probably formed strong business relationships with clients which may have

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Starting A Salon: What Not To Do

When people discuss their prospective ideas of entering the beauty industry and starting a hair salon, most people give advice that looks like this: use the best and most credible equipment, hire skilled and compliant staff, ensure customer satisfaction, keep the prices low for a start—and the like. People will probably suggest rentals and rates,

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How To Deal With Client Complaints Like A Pro

The success of a business in the service industry is solely dependent on customer service. As a salon owner, you want nothing but the best for your salon. In order to reach the top, you need to master your dealings with difficult clients. Some people enter your salon in a lousy mood and end up

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Consistency Is Key: Unlocking The Door To Income Boosts

Who hasn’t heard the tale of the hare that raced a tortoise and lost? Recently implemented upon real life animal counterparts of the characters in the story, there is much a marketing enthusiast can learn from the tale: it’s not the fiery hare who wins but the consistent tortoise. And there lies the lesson we’re about

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Body Language In A Body Salon

Our bodies speak a language that may have different dialects across the world but the fundamentals remain the same across all populations. It is a language stronger than the words we use and conveys more efficiently than speech. Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 rule is not new to the world of business. This professor from University of California

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Creating the Perfect Retail Merchandise Space

When it comes to subtle marketing, visual and atmospheric appeal is everything. You want your clients to buy certain products but you don’t want it to seem like you’re over-selling or over-advertising. The client has to decide whether it’s worth it. And for that, you want to present the merchandise in the best possible way.

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5 Great Tips for Salon Receptionists

Think of your receptionist as the face of your salon; they’re the first person a potential client sees when they visit your salon, and the last person after they’ve had their service. Ergo, your receptionist has the power to make your client feel like their visit was worth it.

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Prep Tips for Boosting Homecoming Season Business

Homecoming is an important event for many young people. In fact, they spend months deciding what they will wear for the big day. This is the perfect opportunity for salon owners to leverage this—introduce packages, deals and attract customers looking for that perfectly sophisticated and chic look.

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Make More Money … Free eBook

Download our new FREE eBook “Make More Money by addressing the Top Challenges in your Salon” Inside you learn the secrets that Salon Owners and Stylists have been using to add more to their bottom line. Click Here –>  Download Now  <– Click Here

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Smart Tricks for Selling Retail Merchandise for Salons

While it may seem odd to sell retail merchandise through your salon, there are actually three very good reasons why this particular business strategy is followed by almost all in the beauty industry around the world. Revenue, retention, reputation! By selling quality merchandise, you not only get back the money you invested in the first

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Why Location Matters When Opening a Beauty Salon

The old adage applies to all matters of business, whether you’re opening a multi-national conglomerate or a coffee shop. In this case though, we’ll focus on the best location for a beauty salon. Even if you offer high quality products, experienced technicians and a comforting lush environment for your customers, you will fail at running

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Upselling to your Existing Clients

We all know that as we take care of our clients hair, we have the opportunity to showcase many different styling, cleansing, and coloring products. In addition, having these products on hand gives our clients the chance to buy them. We are missing out on a huge opportunity to take care of other beauty needs

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Optimize your Retail Displays and Visual Merchandising

You’ve worked so hard to open your salon, pick the right furnishings, hire the right people, train them, and then you’ve invested in inventory to supplement the income you bring in from the services you provide. Selling these products quickly will help you to bring in more money and keep customers coming back for more.

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