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Creating the Perfect Retail Merchandise Space

When it comes to subtle marketing, visual and atmospheric appeal is everything.

You want your clients to buy certain products but you don’t want it to seem like you’re over-selling or over-advertising. The client has to decide whether it’s worth it. And for that, you want to present the merchandise in the best possible way.

Here’s how you can do that.

– Tell a Story

Creating the Perfect Retail Merchandise Space

Play with the customer’s imagination. Show them how your merchandise can help them. For example, group some products that’d work perfectly for hot summer days. Add paraphernalia such as a beach blanket, an umbrella, maybe even a table with some drinks. That’s to catch the passerby’s attention.

This isn’t a new marketing tactic, but it’s still the most efficient one.

– Play with the Senses

What does a client see or feel when they walk into your salon? Can they smell the soft scents of makeup and beauty products? Can they see the products, lined up in perfect sync? Can they touch them?  Remember; you’re not just selling a product, you’re selling an experience, one that has to influence them.

– Grab the Customer’s Attention with Height

Don’t just place your items on a shelf. Add tables and place your samples at hip level. Baskets should be placed on the floor, with additional baskets alongside with smaller products. Large lights should hang from the ceiling, highlighting the area. Props should not interfere with the product placement. Place the more expensive products on top at eye-level.

– Make the Space Instagram-Worthy

perfect merchandizing space

Half the point of visual merchandising is to get the customer to stay in the store long enough so they can buy something. Do that by creating an online-friendly space. Place subtle signage and use vibrant colors, make your store a must-see destination. Get beauty bloggers to visit the store and promote hashtags.

– Update the Layout

Consumers want to know that you’re keeping an eye on your sales. No one would want to buy Christmas themed products in March, even if they are on discount. Refresh the layout but add some signs, indicating the arrival of a new product so curious customers can come back later to inquire about something new.

– Give Your Products the Space they Deserve

A table in the corner of the reception room will just not do. At least 20 percent of your overall space should be dedicated to retail products so clients can view them easily. Add spaces beside work stations and at the entrance near the reception desk so waiting customers can try out the products for themselves.

Need More Help?

Visit our website and click the “Tell Me More” button to find out how Salon Income Booster can help you pick the right retail products for your salon!

And contact Salon Income Booster if you need help managing your salon!

Offering the latest in marketing tips and salon income generation techniques, we can give you the guidance you need to increase your salon’s income and customer retention rate!