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How to Get Your Salon Email Marketing Opened and Read

Don’t want to take the email marketing route when promoting your salon?

It may come as a surprise but statistics show that the most effective marketing strategy is email marketing and individualized messaging. Furthermore, on Mondays, individuals tend to check their email (13 percent) more than on Fridays (11 percent) or the weekend.

Most people assume that email is dead. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In the past decade, marketing strategies have changed significantly, with video content becoming popular.

But according to Pew Research Center, one in nine Americans are now a part of the digital world, and 77 percent own smartphones.

Smart phones have made it easier for people around the world to connect within seconds. They’ve also made it easier for people to check their email.

According to another report by Pew Research Center, email and search are still the most popular online activities, and 92 percent of American adults use email. 61 percent use it every day.

The Benefits of Email Marketing
While email marketing doesn’t sound as promising as social media, it’s actually more effective. Before learning about how you can promote your salon, it’s important to first learn about its benefits.

It’s Targeted: One of the perks of email marketing is that it’s targeted specifically towards your audience. This means that it displays your ads and sends emails according to the individual’s browsing history.  It takes into account demographics, locations, and content needs.

Shareable: Email marketing is highly shareable. With the click of a button, your customers can share your services with all their loved ones.

Did you know, word-of-mouth recommendations make up for 13 percent of consumer sales, bringing 6 trillion in annual revenue? Furthermore, 90 percent of consumers are more likely to trust a brand recommended by their friends.

It’s Cost-Effective: Perhaps, the best thing about email marketing is that it’s cost-effective. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising for a couple of days. All you have to do is have rich content and images of your services.

Promoting Your Salon Through Email Marketing

Just like other forms of marketing, there are certain strategies that should be implemented before you start promoting your brand.

If you want people to read your emails, here are a few things that you should do:

¬ Focus on Rich Text Emails

There are two types of email content: rich text and plain text. Plain text email focuses on simple content, without any images, and basic copywriting.

Rich text is more focused on consumer requirements and displaying products through interactive images. However, it focuses more on the type of written content displayed. High-quality and engaging content is used to attract the attention of potential customers.

As a salon, it’s imperative to focus on rich text email than plain text. This is because you need to display your products, discounts and deals, and what you have to offer.

This is the surest way to grab attention of readers.

¬ Make it Mobile-Friendly

With 77 percent of Americans owning smartphones and 34–38 percent use their phones to access emails. Therefore, make sure that you create newsletters that are mobile-friendly and can be easily accessed from anywhere.

Young adults (aged 18–29) are more likely to use their phones to browse online. So if you’re focusing on catering to a young audience, making your campaigns mobile-friendly becomes essential.

¬ A Good Subject Line

A good subject line will make your target audience click your email within seconds. Using your target audiences’ first names will help your subject line stand out.

For example: “[insert name], did you know XYZ…” will grab their attention.

Furthermore, you can use an exclamation mark, puns and discount deals in the subject line to garner attention. Ask yourself if the subject line of an email said, “XYZ SALE! 70 PERCENT DISCOUNT!” would you click it?

These are just some of the many ways you can make your email campaigns stand out and reach the right target audience.

If you want to learn more, a professional consultation can go a long way.

Salon Income Booster is on such service that offers guidance on hair salon marketing strategies, income generation techniques and upselling salon services to salons.

Feel free to contact us  for a second opinion!