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If Showered On A Client, Love’s Labor Is Never Lost

If you’ve been in the salon business for a long time, you’ll know how important it is to connect with your clients.  Clients look for comfort, as well as a safe environment with a reliable and trustworthy stylist in a salon.

As a stylist, you’ve probably formed strong business relationships with clients which may have even transformed into a friendship.  You affect the lives of your clients in more ways than you can imagine if you have a positive and welcoming attitude.  Why not then double down on this relationship?

Never be unsure about the amount of effort you are putting into your clients’ happiness. At the end of the day, it’s all worth it!

If you are new to this business, then it’s a great way to start off your career. If you’ve been in the business for a while now, it’s never too late to implement strategies to improve relationships with your clients. Either way, here are some ways you can show your clients some love:

Always project positive body language

It’s human nature to sense it when people give off negative vibes. Most people can’t pinpoint what gives them these negative vibes, but it has something to do with body language and facial expressions.

Clients can sense what you are feeling by observing you. Psychology Today reveals that facial expressions can really make or break your first impression on a client. The raising of eyebrows can indicate discomfort, while a fake smile can be spotted from a mile away!

Our experts remind stylists and staff of the importance of having a positive and welcoming stance. Keeping your back straight and shoulders proud makes it known to clients that you are the most professional at your job.

They also suggest a confident walk, not one that turns heads, but one that shows you’re the boss. Steer clear of any actions with negative implications, such as crossing your arms or legs, resting your hands on your waist, or a dull expression.

Always look interested in what your client has to say and pay attention to their wishes. At no point should your client be nervous about the fact that you haven’t understood what he or she has said.

Some extra special manners

Having a kind word to say can make someone’s day! As a salon owner or stylist, you always want your clients to come back. An essential component of your interaction with your client is politeness.

Make your interactions with them as pleasant as possible. Greet them with a warm smile whenever they walk in. Ask how they are doing and then move on to your other tasks. It always pays off to seem interested in their lives. Interested and not inquisitive, you must know the difference between them to make the most of this strategy.

Ask them about their vacations, weekends, and health.  Our experts suggest you take down a few notes about each client. In six weeks, when it’s time for their next appointment, you can swiftly remember what they were talking about and ask them about it! They will be super impressed with you; plus, they’ll feel touched that you care.

Before your clients are out the door, always wish them a great day ahead and thank them for their business. When communicating with clients via phone calls and messages, always be polite. Don’t sound confused or put them on hold for too long.

When dealing with a difficult client or attending to a complaint, always keep your cool and sound courteous. Customer service is one of the main factors behind the success of a salon. Even if it isn’t the fault of your salon, unfortunately, you will have to apologize to clients and move forward from there.

Communicate with clients

A professional attitude is always required when running a business. You can be the best in the business, but unforeseen circumstances are bound to happen. Always keep your clients up to date when such events occur. Maybe your stylist fell ill or is running late, or you’ve had a power outage for some reason, always inform them so you’re not a hurdle in their day.

Another aspect of communication is pricing. List your pricing clearly in your salon. If a customer is getting services added on, be sure to give them a heads up on the bill. No one enjoys an inflated bill being served up to them. Be clear on your policies on refund and discounts and cancellation too. Your clients deserve full disclosure.

Impart knowledge

According to Forbes, clients are more likely to depend and rely on you, the more value you offer to them. Loyal clients come to you because of your skills, but they also appreciate all the knowledge you have about the industry.

If you have invested many years into specializing in a particular field of hairdressing, they will surely come to you for advice. All the years you’ve spent keeping up with trends and working with the latest products should be shared with your clients. Think of it as a trust-building activity. Imparting such knowledge to them shows that you want them to have the best service, and not just for monetary gain.

Treat your clients every once in a while

One of the reasons behind small businesses not making it to the top is their attitude towards generating repeat business. They focus all their energy towards getting new customers onboard, neglecting old clients.

Well, in the world of salons, word of mouth and reviews are key decision-making factors that attract new clients. Keeping that in mind, it only makes sense to give old clients the utmost importance. Clients who have been visiting your salon for years deserve a treat every once in a while.

As a salon owner, you know how many samples are sent into the salon. Dig into your sample drawer and gift some to your old clients. Who doesn’t love a freebie right? This is a fool-proof way of getting into the good books of a client.

Make sure the samples handed out are relevant to your client; they won’t need a color protect shampoo if they don’t dye their hair, for example! Instead of product samples, you can also give such clients a special discount or a free service for their loyalty. Such gestures will have them walking out of your salon with a big, bright smile.

Create a stunning salon environment 

Clients like nothing more than being blown away by a beautiful salon. After all, they spend hours of their day there getting services done. A salon with a good aesthetic will definitely leave a good impression on them.

Use relaxing colors and designs when constructing your salon. Invest in the most comfortable chairs and massage beds you can afford. Use flowers and calming scents to finish off the salon. A tidy workspace is a must too since no one enjoys clutter.

Ask for feedback

After every client’s appointment, make sure you ask them about their experience. Many salons implement this technique, but often don’t know how to read into what the client is saying.

If a client just brushes off the question with, “yeah it was great,” and rushes off, chances are, they weren’t impressed! Ask them instead, “What else would you like us to add to the service? Or, “What would you like done differently when you next visit us?” You are more likely to get more information out of such questions. Their answers can help you understand what your salon lacks and how you can work towards remedying those things.

Salon Income Booster is the perfect online platform to make your salon business the most sought-after place for salon services. Our experts dish out ideas on income generation as well as marketing solutions to boost revenues. Our upselling salon service techniques hit the nail on the head and improve your business manifold.