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“In” The Now: Instagram, Influencers, Interests, And Increasing Salon Sales

Surely you are already aware that most of your salon’s customers are on social media. Despite that fact, many salons don’t have social media accounts or much engagement online.

Social media is not just a fun place to be, it’s one of the best and most effective marketing channels available to promote your business. Customers are more likely to opt for a business if they see some social media presence or a good review online. Doesn’t that make you want to put in more effort into your campaign?

Social media is a brilliant medium; it makes your customers and network create business for you. Positive reviews on your pages and audience engagement paints your business positively in the eyes of potential clients. Here is the A to Z of everything you need to know about successfully using different social media platforms to boost your salon revenue.

How to start off


This is the most crucial step in your social media marketing campaign. Your business requires a strong foundation on social media. In order to achieve that, you can post regular updates and relevant content. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are the best platforms to start on. These social media platforms have the highest number of members and, therefore, you can attract many more people.

As a salon, a social media account is your best resource to inform followers about new offers, services, and discounts. Most people use Facebook to look for contact numbers of salons too! Others use Facebook Messenger to communicate with a salon.

Facebook accounts can be set up in a way to take down your bookings automatically as well.  You can have your top stylists reveal some beauty secrets or top tips on a set timeline too! Everyone loves listening to an expert.  Be the first to send out trend alerts too so that your followers are the first to know about what’s hot.


Unlike Twitter, Facebook doesn’t come with that many rules. You can pretty much do whatever you like with a Facebook page. Many now consider it a secondary website with the amount of customizability offered by this platform. Create a Facebook page for your salon and begin building it from there. Get your friends and family to “like” the page and move forward from there. Our experts suggest you keep the page on private till you get all the essentials plus some content on there.

The name of the page and that of your business must be the same, so as to not confuse your clients. Use the “About” section to describe your business, as well as state all important contact information. Facebook usually puts a Google Maps location of your business to help clients. Like with Twitter, the cover photo is your billboard. Use that area to showcase your salon interiors or exteriors, services, your team, or any event being carried out there.

Begin posting things to your page now. They must be relevant and inform customers about your business. Use high-quality images too! Many salons use Facebook to advertise their services in the form of “before and after pictures.” When doing so, make sure you have the consent of the client. With a little bit of knowledge of Photoshop, you can create designs to advertise your offers in the form of pictures. Any deals, new services, or discounts you have going on require a separate designated post. Always add a gripping title to the post and some hashtags too.

Since Facebook has a live streaming option, you can use it to broadcast your special events to an even larger audience.  Upload images of your stylists attending various workshops to stay up to date with the latest techniques. Your clients will surely be impressed while you also attract new customers to your business.



Instagram has slowly taken over the world of social media. There isn’t much text involved on this platform, but it is mainly used for visuals. This social media application seems the most fitting for a salon. Instagram is all about aesthetics and so is the beauty business. For a business that already has a Facebook account, they can easily use it to access Instagram too.

With a business account on Instagram, you can get access to the number of engagement on each post. Instagram tells you how many people viewed your post and from those people, how many were your followers. It can also track how many visited your website via the app. You can use the Instagram description to describe the business as well as mention your website link.

Take inspiration from a popular salon or stylist’s accounts. You will notice that their accounts aren’t only about their businesses; they make it personal and diverse. If you are a well-followed salon owner or stylist, throw in a couple of pictures of yourself on holiday.  It adds a personal and human touch. You can show your followers some must-have items on holiday or products you used to achieve a certain look.

Instagram is known for its beauty and hair videos. Preparing such content is actually easier than it seems. Since videos uploaded on the app can only be limited to 15 seconds, popular influencers fast forward their tutorials and don’t add any voiceovers to them either. It can, therefore, be easily created with the help of a cell phone camera. You can film a time-lapse of a balayage or a makeup tutorial by one of your makeup artists. Such content is foolproof!


Twitter is a popular social media platform that was first created for providing updates. Many celebrities have verified accounts where they can inform their followers or share funny anecdotes. With a 140 character limit to work with, Twitter marketing is a whole other ball game.

With these few tips you can make Twitter work like a dream for your business:

  • Your Twitter name must be immediately identifiable. Make sure you have a profile photo that can be recognized by followers/clients.
  • Make use of the bio to the best of your ability. It must set you apart from your competitors. You can also use it as an opportunity to state your location and business hours. Always remember to link back to your website too.
  • When linking to the website, it should work the other way round too. Always have your social media handles clearly marked on your website too.
  • The header image of your Twitter page is like an advertisement for your business. Use pictures of events, trainings, your team at work, special offers, or products you use. It’s a good idea to regularly update this image too.
  • With Twitter, the more active you are the better. Don’t tweet just for the sake of it. Tweets must be relevant, easy to read, and should link back to relevant information.  If your salon has a blog, you can link back to that or give short descriptions of your services and link to them.
  • To give more value to your audience, tweet about related matters too. Talk about the importance of a healthy diet for great hair or the hair products that give great results.
  • Use high-quality images in your tweets which relate to the topic.
  • Use relevant and popular hashtags to help your post rank better in searches.
  • Respond to mentions and always engage with your audience.
  • Run polls to get a better idea of what your audience wants.

Salon Income Booster is a website that offers expert advice on salon management. Their goal is to make any salon thrive with increasing revenue and loyal clients. They excel in providing techniques for salon income generation with the help of marketing solutions.