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How to Make Your Salon Stand out, and Other Marketing Tips

Let’s consider your salon’s marketing from a client’s perspective.

In an industry with a total of 974,000 establishments in the US, how would you make your clients think that your beauty salon is different than the rest? The beauty industry enjoys the attention of a very loyal customer base.

As such, attracting clients may be more of a challenge; especially if you’re opening a salon in an already competitive neighborhood.

However, this is not an impossible feat. The best way to attract customers and retain them is by working with a few strategies and marketing ideas to win people over.

Salon Marketing Strategies and Ideas

Have a Stylish Website

In an age where 58% of consumers research a service or product online before buying it, it pays to have a website that offers the best first impression of your business. Salon websites require vibrant and sleek visuals, as well as a lot of examples of what customers can expect if they avail your services. Add an image gallery that shows treatments and styles and presents your salon in the best light.

Hire a professional photographer for pictures and offer contact details on the landing page, as well as links so potential clients can schedule an appointment. Your website represents your business. Make sure it is developed by a professional, with hi-res images.

Use Social Media Marketing

Trends on social media can offer unprecedented power to companies who use them wisely. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and more are great portals for smart marketing, especially if you want to attract a target audience for special services.

Offer visual teasers that present your services in the best light. And use these portals to connect with customers who are happy with your work. Ask them to share pictures of their styles and get them to spread word about your services across other networks. It’s free marketing, and effective to boot.

Manage Your Reputation, Online and Otherwise

Scour the internet for online reviews pertaining to your business. Sites such as Yelp, Google Business and Facebook can have a great impact on a new client’s decision. If there is a negative review, contact the client in question and find a way to solve a problem. Damage control is crucial.

Aside from your online reputation, be proactive and take part in different community projects to stay under the public eye. Make yourself known and show the world that you contribute to the overall success of your neighborhood.

Offer a Unique Experience

Customers can get the same products and services for an even lesser price from salons around the area. Why would they want to come to your establishment?

Your best marketing tactic here should be to offer something that makes you stand out. Some salons offer care packages and freebies, others even offer daycare for customers with children. The key to making your salon worthy is by finding what customers need, and what amenities could make their experience better.

Retain Your New Customers

Investing in professional assistance for marketing is always worth it. At Salon Income Booster, we offer marketing and merchandising expertise to help you run your salon smoothly.

If you want to grow your customer base, contact us!