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Make the Most From Beauty Trade Shows

Salon owners need to work hard to maintain their businesses and help them thrive; it’s a day to day struggle, to put it mildly. Over the last few years, salon sales have only increased by 3%, proving how difficult it is to be successful in this industry.

As a salon owner, you need to maintain the balance between actively interacting with clients, networking, marketing your business, and managing your finances. That’s where beauty trade shows come in.

Trade shows are a great way to promote your business. They’re a central meeting place for businesses and potential clients. You get to put your best foot forward and interact with clients, attracting them to try out your salon.

That being said, there are many beauty trade shows out there. Some are more wide-ranging and welcome the whole beauty industry, while others are more specific. Make sure you choose a trade show that makes sense for your salon business!

A word of warning: don’t think of a trade show as a day off from work. It’s THE day to make yourself shine!

Here are some of the benefits of registering for a beauty trade show:


Being in one place and under one roof with all your competitors and popular beauty brands opens you up to a lot of opportunities. You get to meet new people and increase how many contacts you have in the industry.

Many famous brands put up kiosks at such events. You can check out their latest collections and offer to sell them at your salon. Not only will that entice your customers, but it will also get you some extra revenue. Make sure to advertise any such collaboration heavily at your salon to attract traffic.

As part of networking, it’s important to take a look around for any especially talented independent makeup artists and stylists. Get chatting with them and talk business. Get their contact details and plan collaborations. Hosting master classes at your salon can get a lot of people to visit your salon.

Don’t forget to pack a load of business cards to hand out to suppliers, customers, and even stylists.

Social media boost

Taking part in trade shows makes your business look active and trendy. Use the hashtag of the particular trade show you’re at to increase your visibility online. Document your trade show experience and update your social media accounts.

You can even offer discounts to those who are willing to upload a selfie and a check-in on Facebook.

Keeping tabs on the industry trends

Trade shows are a great way to know what your competitors are doing. You can learn about new and upcoming trends, equipment, and products. Your business will benefit if you introduce them to your salon.

Make sure you note down the prices other salons charge for their services too. You can revise your price lists to attract more customers after conducting research.

Take advantage of the educational events

Major beauty trade shows run packed programs full of educational events. They offer master classes from the crème de la crème of the industry. As an attendee, you can take home a whole lot of knowledge on makeup, skincare, and hair care which you can then implement in your salon.

Most of these beneficial seminars and workshops are free. Make sure you book your seats in advance and take down notes!

Stock up on discounts and freebies

Who doesn’t love a free lunch? Many beauty brands that set up stalls at trade shows offer samples and freebies. You can also play the ‘salon owner’ card to get free goodies and big discounts. Stock up on such items at the show and use them in your salon.

You could use these products as giveaways to your clients. You’ll definitely get a referral this way!

Tips on attending a beauty trade show

A beauty trade show isn’t just about you taking away information and freebies for your salon. They’re also a golden opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd, a chance to make your mark in the industry.

Set up a team that will represent the salon at the beauty trade show. Sit them all down and explain how they should represent the salon. They need to be friendly, outspoken, and not afraid to approach attendees. They should know everything about the salon, its services, prices, and products.

Identify ways in which you can make your salon better for clients. Be objective when trying to figure out where your services are lacking. Look for inspiration at the beauty trade show by figuring out what your competitors are doing better than you. Speak to other salon owners and find out what they struggle with and the strategies they use to stay afloat.

It’s also a good idea to provide some quick services at your kiosk, like express mani-pedis, a neck massage, blow-dry, quick makeup, glitter tattoos, HD brows, etc. It gives potential clients a chance to test out your services. Make sure you provide the best services at the show. You will also need to manage the number of people who’ll visit the stall. Pack enough supplies to provide services to as many attendees as you can. Instruct your staff to advertise your other services while doing the services, but not in an overwhelming way.

Heavily advertise at your salon and on your social media accounts that your salon will be attending the trade show. Clients will be more inclined to visit the salon afterward to avail any new products and services being introduced if they attend the show.

Attending such events is a feather in your business’s cap. Make sure to always capitalize on such opportunities to grow your business and network.

Looking for more advice on making your salon a success? At Salon Income Booster, we cater to businesses and help them increase hair and beauty salons income and salon retail merchandise for optimum growth. We provide everything from marketing strategies to income generation, we provide end-to-end solutions to all salons.

We also assist new businesses in the industry with their investment plans by offering consultation. Check out our site for more information.