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Marketing Mistakes Salon Start-ups Need to Avoid

According to Forbes, 90% of startups fail within the first year. Want to know why?

Because they underestimate the intricacies of running a business!

Your business in a competitive field, i.e. a beauty salon isn’t going to become successful overnight or in two years. As a matter of fact, it will take quite a long time before you garner a stable customer base. But we aren’t making this statement to dissuade you from even trying.

In fact, consider it a challenge!

Keep track of the different marketing mistakes you shouldn’t make so your salon can get on the fast track to success.

Salon Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

· Forgetting Your Target Market

Always focus on your target demographic. Find out how your competitors market their services and try to get along the same lines. Conduct a survey and figure out what the people want before opening those doors. Otherwise you will be doomed to failure.

· Marketing Specific Services

In all the excitement of opening a beauty salon, it’s easy to forget that you offer a lot more services than just hair and nails. You offer an experience, a skill set and a passion. You invite others to share and enjoy all that with you. Show them how you perceive your passion by marketing your facilities, the experience your salon employees have.

· Trying to Please Everyone

Be proud of your marketing tactics. If you’re offering funky hair styles to teenagers and younger adults, don’t mix that with conventional hairstyles for customers over 65.

This doesn’t mean you should close your doors for them. But when marketing your salon, stick to one style otherwise you’ll be all over the place. Stay on track and settle on your target audience.

· Putting Up the Wrong Price List

A customer will simply move on to the next salon if you’ve set your prices too high on the scale. Nevertheless, it’s understandable that finding the right price point might be difficult for a new business.

Check prices in your surrounding area and pitch your prices somewhere in the middle. Never set a low price though, otherwise customers will doubt your confidence in your own abilities.

What’s the Biggest Mistake?

Setting all the above mistakes aside though, the biggest mistakes most salons make is that of never setting a sum aside from their financial for marketing.

While you do offer the best services, you can’t bring people in if they don’t know you exist. This is why marketing is crucial. And that is where we come in!

Salon Income Booster offers marketing ideas and strategies to help customers increase their salon revenue and gain customer loyalty.

To learn more, click here to contact us today!