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How to Maximize Client Return and Frequency Rate

In a highly competitive beauty industry, client retention is one of the most vital goals for salon owners. Acquiring new clients takes a lot of time and money and so, business owners should create a coherent plan for retaining their current clients. A loyal client will refer your salon to their friends and family, thereby bringing in new clients and increasing your revenue.

The following are some simple tips to improve your client retention rate and business revenue:

Offer great products and services

Aim at being the expert in your field. Whether you’re running a hair or beauty salon, clients expect the best services from you.

Therefore, make sure you offer high quality treatments and use topnotch products at your salon. This is one way of building your business’ authority.

Make clients feel special

Along with offering excellent salon services, provide special discounts on treatments to your regular clients.

If you have a tight budget, you can offer a small gift or a special shout out on social media to your loyal clients. Validate your current clients to make them feel special and valued.

Focus on personalization

Adding personalized touches to salon services is a sure-fix way to attract clients for the long run.

For example, if you are giving a client a facial, you can offer them their favorite beverage. These small things make a huge impression on clients.

Re-booking matters

Be sure to offer to rebook every client. Do not think of it as overselling your services. Think of it as offering salon services to clients who do not have time to book your services themselves.

Focus on building relationships

All successful businesses focus on building strong relationships with their clients. In order to retain clients, take time to listen to clients concerns and needs and address their issues effectively and promptly.

Treat your clients the way you want to be treated. Be honest and open with them. Ask clients for feedback on services. Always remember that clients are people, not numbers. Treat them with respect.

If you would like more salon management tips, get in touch with us.

Salon Income Booster offers comprehensive information on all aspects of owning and running a beauty salon.

The website offers details on marketing, addressing key management challenges, optimizing retail displays, visual marketing, merchandising, sales, boosting revenue and more.

We cater to hair and beauty salon owners; nail salon owners, self-employed hair stylists, tanning salon owners, work-from-home hair stylists, self-employed makeup artists, self-employed massage therapists and more.