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Minting Millions off Millennials: How Salon Professionals Can Boost Sales Through Influencers in the Beauty Industry

Millennials are the new megaminds of the 21st century and not a day goes by when their trends are not hitting every industry in the economy with the same zeal and zest known to their z-generation. Without holding their influence in high regard your business will never make profit figures that are off the charts.

Their influence is what will help you stay in the business for a long time! If you’re planning to enter the beauty industry and you are not equipped with weapons of knowledge about the millennials, prepare to limp back to the benches because the game is not for you.

If you have some serious entrepreneurial interests in establishing a long-standing salon business in the beauty industry, it is crucial to realize the magnitude of the leviathan that the millennials are in the modern era. Staying true to their name, the generation Z really is the ultimate extent of our mere alphabetical knowledge which is still stuck at the ‘b’ of business.

Generation Z is truly a definition of thinking big and introducing the newest transformations in trends that had never existed before. Incorporating these waves of modern fashion in the beauty industry, particularly the salon business that you’re planning to or have set up, is like inscribing success in the genes of your brainchild.

Millennials don’t just rule the world by the sheer magnitude of their influence but have monopolized every part of the trade from demanding to purchasing and even selling the same ideas further IF – and only if – your Highness approves!

The way this equation works is that they dream and you create. If you detract in any way or form from this code, failures will line up outside your door waiting to barge in any time.

As salon professionals, you need to cash in on ever-evolving beauty trends that are set in motion by the millennials. The business should flow as smoothly from the inception of a trend like dominoes toppling over one another in a series of linkages reaching the finish line.

From newest haircuts to trendy nail art designs, and dramatic makeovers to bold hair transformations, the millennials are teeming with ideas they want to see implemented in the beauty industry and your salon could just be the one to fill this niche. Not only is it going to land you as the favorite of millions of millennials but is also going to get you a million more millennials to serve.

There are many beauty trends to include in your salon business to attract millennials and millions alike. With the cosmetic industry growing to acquire a market of $13 billion in 2015 led by millennial women, it is posing a promising start to new entrepreneurs eager to penetrate the booming beauty trade.

Here is how to secure a few of those billions for your salon business!

Media: The Modern Money

The currency that sells new ideas to the millennial generation is social media.

Not only have popular social media channels taken up a large space of the lives of these millennials but also govern the consumer choices that they make from beauty products to makeup techniques.

Social media platforms are coffers filled with the currency used to trade ideas that have constructed the modern face of vanity. It is no longer about natural selection or personal opinions; Instagram following, Facebook likes, Twitter retweets and Snap stories going viral on the internet determine what is beautiful according to modern standards.

These are not baseless claims; considerable research and statistics are authenticating the social media usage among millennials. With 73% U.S. adults using Facebook and 68% using YouTube as a video-sharing site, it is no surprise that influencers ranking highest on these channels are the highest bidders determining what is the new favorite of the millennials.

Adhering to modern rules of socializing and keeping up with trending fads on these social platforms will keep your business shoulder-to-shoulder with the millennials.

But an important point to note in this scenario is that only the one quickest to respond to these trending demands will get the gold. The rest will only collect the leftovers! The key is to be quick on the keys, punch in attractive taglines and deals that your salon is going to offer and post on all social media pages.

All is fair in love and trade: there is no shame in hogging down social trends and hunting influencers who can steer the millennial cruise to your shore!

Once On The Shore, Anchor Your Boat

Having satiated your appetite for modern beauty trends, what follows is creating a dominant social media presence of your salon on these platforms.

The more experienced users and social media celebrities can vouch for the fact that merely creating an account and expecting it to mine gold will only serve to disappoint you.

With tones of pictures and videos being uploaded every second and volumes of content written on social media, it is a real challenge to make it irresistible for a user to scroll past your name without paying heed.

The mechanism of social media is anything but a theoretical model of cogs in a machine designed to fit into the pattern, and rotating on a predefined pace everyday. With the social machinery of the 21st century, the model of the machine, the cogs, their shapes and the pace at which they operate change and evolve every second. Life of a social media influencer is like that of Alan Turing in The Imitation Game: each day is a new reality that you have to decode to pave your way to success!

Celebrities are the icons of worship for the younger generation. One sight of them wearing a certain makeup trick or flashing a bag, and that becomes all-the-rage causing keyboards to break with excessive typing and posting about it. Your business can become a star overnight if you can get your hands on an opportunity which buys you the chance to collaborate with a celebrity.

Giving a model or even better a movie star a makeover at your own salon is a dream come true for most businesses! If you can land a chance for this, be sure that God has chosen to give you the glad tidings of success. Cash on this opportunity and give it your best shot because the moment your guest leaves your premises and reviews your service, the number of follow requests would shoot out of the roof!

The Crown Is All That Matters

Following the footprints of cosmetics which have managed to acquire a 31% section of the market, hair care is not far behind. A beautiful mane or a funky punk hairdo has secured the second largest rank in the beauty industry with a score of 24%. It is not an overstatement to say that millennials are obsessed with getting the crown of their dreams!

While some may be of the opinion that with a beautiful skin, nothing else matters, that statement is neither entirely false nor completely true. Hair transformations, dyeing techniques, trendy colors, classic hairstyles and trendy hairdos have become a new craze among the generation Z.

The hair care market is blown up by the immense influx of hairline details and beauty statements that influencers are making on the internet with their newest inventions.

Becoming popular on social media is probably going to be more prestigious for your salon than having your name in the Guinness Book of World Records. A simple hash tag can change the way your salon name circulates in the industry. It can do a lot more than just make you popular among the millennials.

By introducing a hair revolution in the industry, your salon can make waves in the market of millennials and earn the license to become part of the cult of influencer elites. Not to mention, it also serves as a great income booster and propels your business towards the standard you want to achieve.

Salon Income Booster is an online rulebook for turning your salon businesses into a trendsetting, social media influencer. We provide all the tips you need to stay up to date with evolving beauty trends and make your presence felt on social media. We have ideas for salon income generation and marketing solutions to boost revenues to assist growing businesses with. We also help businesses strengthen to handle management challenges, and make suggestions