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Reducing “No-Shows” and Last-Minute Cancellations

There’s nothing more awkward and embarrassing than receiving a phone call from a client you were expecting, only for them to cancel last-minute. Sure, they had their reasons but the spot could’ve been filled by someone else.

You waited for hours, bought the necessary products, ready with your best we-can-do-this face. You postponed another potential client’s appointment because you had commitments.

What’s worse than clients who cancel last-minute? It’s clients who promised to show up but don’t. However, both have the same level of impact on your business. They both cost you your time, money, and efforts.

While you can’t realistically expect to eliminate no-shows and last-minute cancellations, there are ways to address the problems and reduce it.

Calculate the Number of No-Shows and Cancellations

The first step you need to take is to identify the number of no-shows and last-minute cancellations you have. On an average, how many clients do you have that don’t show up?

If the number of clients that do show up is less than the cancellations, you need to work on your salon’s marketing strategy.

Your salon software will display a report for you. This way, you can figure out a pattern.

  • Are there any specific days that clients cancel?
  • Do these clients show up later or cancel and never come back?
  • Are specific members of your team getting no-shows?
  • Are they the most junior staff members or seniors?

These are things you need to take into consideration. When you figure out a pattern, you’re able to resolve the issue by eliminating the problem from the roots.

Remind Clients about Their Appointments

A few days before their appointment, remind clients about their appointments. You can use an appointment card, call them, or send a text. Or you can do all three.

Make sure not to constantly call or text your clients or this can lead to exactly what you’re trying to avoid.

Remind them 48 hours before their appointment. If you’re sending a text, send them a promo so that you can subtly remind them.

Build a Relationship with Clients

This one’s a no-brainer. Build a relationship with your clients; offer them snacks while they’re availing your service and waiting in line.

Talk to them during the service; ask them about their day and how they are doing. Ask them if they’re comfortable and if they want to see your salon add a specific service to its list.

When you communicate with your clients, you’ll understand them better. You’ll find out what they expect from you, and this will make it easier to make them feel comfortable and provide a service-rich experience.

These are just some of the many ways you can reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations.

At Salon Income Booster, we do our best to guide you on all matters related to marketing, merchandising and optimizing your salon revenue!

Feel free to contact us to learn more. Download our free e-book on the top challenges salons face and how to overcome them. We offer all the best tools in our collection to help you run a successful salon!