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Salon Body Language Tips That Give The Right Impression

When people walk into your salon, what is the first thing that they notice? Apart from the overall interior design, salon equipment and overall cleanliness, they will observe your staff.

The body language of your employees can make or break a client’s impression. Non-verbal communication plays a pivotal role in the service industry. From hunched shoulders to sad faces, body language conveys a strong message to clients.

Here are some simple body language techniques for your salon team:

Maintain eye contact

The basic rule is to make eye contact with your clients. Maintaining eye contact shows you are paying attention to what your clients have to say. This is extremely important during the consultation.

Listen carefully to your client and respond accordingly. Do not play with your phone while talking to them.


When you are greeting a client, remember to smile. Otherwise, you will look unapproachable.

Don’t fake it

Although failing to smile will make you appear cold, do not fake it. A genuine smile indicates warmth.

Have face-to-face consulting

Have a one-on-one meeting with each client. Keep in mind, this meeting is not about your business but the client.

Avoid overselling your services during consultation. Listen to what the client wants and then offer your suggestions. A face-to-face consultation gives you the opportunity to get to know your client and build a lasting connection.

Respect your client’s personal space

It is extremely important to respect a client’s personal space. Not respecting personal space will make you look pushy.

Stand straight

Avoid slouching because it can make you look uninterested, tired or nervous. Make sure to stand or sit straight and keep your head high.

Do not criticize your clients

Clients are the heart and soul of a salon. Your salon’s success depends on building lasting client relationships. Do not criticize a client unnecessarily.  Genuine compliments will make their day.

For more information on how to run a salon, contact us. At Salon Income Booster, we offer complete information on all aspects of managing a beauty salon, which includes marketing, merchandising and more. Thinking of starting a successful beauty salon? You have arrived

We cater to hair and beauty salon owners, nail salon owners, self-employed hair stylists, tanning salon owners, work-from-home hair stylists, self-employed makeup artists, self-employed massage therapists and more.

Contact us today learn the best ways to increase your salon income!