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Is Your Salon Franchise in the Most Optimal Location?

Even if your brand is recognized all across the globe, choosing the wrong location will have  with a huge impact on brand identity, sales and overall success.

Just like any other business, your franchise’s location also needs professional staff, a good atmosphere and most of all, the most optimal location so old and new customers can be aware of its existence.

Let’s discuss how we can get such a spot.

Quality and Location Types

Is Your Salon Franchise in the Most Optimal Location?

First, think about the type of location you want. Would you like one in the city, or a suburban neighborhood? What about the area and parking, not to mention visibility. Depending on these factors, you can choose a location that would give you a one up on your competitors.

Types of Locations Available

A Freestanding Building

This can give you a lot of freedom on utilities and overhead payment. You’ll also not be bound by those common area fees for security, snow plowing and other. However, in such cases, you’ll then be responsible for it, all on your own. And that might cost a lot of time and money.

In a Shopping Center

Salons in shopping centers offer a lot of visibility. Not to mention, an edge over your competitors since leasing agreements don’t allow more similar businesses in the same area. You’re also able to save a substantial amount as well, since the shopping center pays for building maintenance.


Storefront buildings are usually grouped together and share a common wall. These buildings exist in business districts and can be quite useful if you’re targeting the businesspeople demographic. However, these properties are scarcely available so you might have your work cut-out for you.

What Your Property Needs

After deciding which property is the best for you (or is available), your next step should be to ensure that it possesses the following properties:

– High Visibility and Traffic

This means your chosen property should not only be visible, it should also be easily accessible. You want your salon sign to be seeable as potential customers go by.

– Parking

You don’t want customers to skip out on your salon, simply because they can’t get into the hassle of parking. Always make sure there’s enough space outside your establishment, otherwise your brand name and retail products will mean nothing.

– Complementary Businesses

What you’re surrounded by will impact your revenue. You don’t want your salon to be right next to a garage, after all (Think of the noise!). Instead, place your salon smack-dab in the middle of a shopping district, or in a location that caters to other needs i.e. grocers, dry cleaners and such so customers can get their services done after they’re done with their errands.

Know Your Business Goals

Your main target is to make your salon franchise a success, so you can carry on the brand name. So choose the best location that can help you accomplish this objective. Learn about salon income techniques, marketing ideas and business management from us, and execute those teachings into your work!