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Why Salon Reviews are Important and How to Get Good Reviews

Technology has significantly changed the way people find salons. With a click of a button, you can gain access to websites of unlimited salons in your particular location.

In the age of digital technology, it is absolutely imperative for salon owners to focus on ‘client reviews’.

Most salon owners do not realize the significance of client salon reviews. Simply put, positive reviews enhance your business’s credibility and reputation.

Read on to understand the impact of reviews on your business and what you can do to get good reviews:

Enhances online visibility

Increased online visibility is a crucial goal for salon owners.  Be it Google, Yahoo or any other search engine, you want your website to appear at the top of search results.

Client reviews affect a salon’s search results. Having reviews is an effective way to optimize your salon’s website ranking, increase traffic and get more clients.

To increase your search ranking, make sure your website and social media pages provide up-to-date, accurate information to your target clients. Use engaging, high quality content your clients can resonate with. Most importantly, do not forget to provide clients a seamless mobile viewing experience. A significant number of your target audience is likely to use their smartphones to look for your reviews.

Generates trust

Your salon’s online reputation is what sets it apart from your competitors. Client reviews help build credibility for a business.

It is common for people to trust businesses salons with great reviews. Most people check out reviews to determine a salon’s quality before booking any service.

If a potential client sees many negative reviews about your salon, there is a high chance they will not choose your service. Therefore, it is safe to say that reviews can make or break a salon’s reputation.

Shows your care

Client feedback is extremely valuable for salons. Even if it’s negative, client feedback will help you identify problems with your business and take corrective action.

Reply to a negative review quickly. This shows that you care clients have to say. Most importantly, resolve the client’s issues as soon as you can.

The last word

It is important to understand that news spread fast on the internet. If a client has left a horrible review on your website or social media pages, they will share their experience with their friends and family. If you do take appropriate action, you may face declining sales and revenue.

At Salon Income Booster, we provide guidance on all aspects of managing a beauty salon including marketing, merchandising and optimizing retail displays among other factors. Contact us to learn the best way to run your salon!