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Who Is Your Salon’s Ideal Client?

One of the biggest mistakes that salon owners make is that they cater to everyone. Knowing your target clients is extremely important.

As the hair and beauty industry is highly competitive, knowing your ideal clients allows you to base your services and decisions around their needs.

In other words, you can provide high quality salon services and marketing activities that cater to the specific requirements of your ideal clients. Consequently, business owners can ramp up their efforts on retaining clients and increase their revenue.

If you are wondering who your  salon’s ideal client is, you’re not alone. Majority of salon owners do not know either.

Uncovering your ideal client

Simply put, an ideal client is someone who finds your services useful and has the ability to pay for your services.

They love the treatment you provide and recommend your salon to their friends and family. Your ideal client will be loyal to your business.

How to find your ideal client?

Here is a simple guide to identify your ideal client:

Define your services from the client’s point of view

The first step in identifying your ideal client is to put yourself in your clients’ shoes. How does your business solve a client’s hair and skin issues? What needs of a client do your services satisfy?

Analyze client demographic and behavior

Perform a thorough research on clients’ demographics (gender, income, age, marital status, occupation, interests, etc.) and their behavior.

What kind of salon services do they want, like and dislike? Knowing your target audience will help you provide services that suits their taste and lifestyle needs.

Keep an eye on your competition

Study your competitor’s clients and the services they are offering. In addition, evaluate your business strengths to see how you’re benefitting clients.

Once you figure out who your ideal clients are, tailor your services to their needs.

For more information on starting or expanding a salon, get in touch with us. At Salon Income Booster, we offer insightful information on all aspects of managing a beauty salon, from marketing to merchandising.

We also offer effective skincare and consulting solutions to salon owners across the country. We cater to hair and beauty salon owners; nail salon owners, self-employed hair stylists, tanning salon owners, work-from-home hair stylists, self-employed makeup artists, self-employed massage therapists and more. Contact us to learn how to increase your salon’s ideal client base and revenue in no time!