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Sizzle Your Salon’s Summer Merchandise With These Tips

Running out of ideas to promote your salon’s products and services this summer? You’re not alone.

With the summer season right around the corner, it is the right time to plan your salon’s merchandise in order to stimulate client interest and generate sales.

Here are some simple ways to refresh your salon’s merchandise this summer:


First off, select a summer theme for your salon. Pick anything that is in line with your business vision and conveys the story of your brand.

Based on the theme you choose, add decorations and props to salon displays. This will make your products pop and stimulate interest in clients.

Window displays

Display your merchandise strategically to reel in attention.
Your salon windows are the best advertising spaces. Showcase all your special products in the salon window.

New products

Summer is the best time to introduce new products to your salon. Adding a new product line can increase your sales and profits.

From nail and skin care to hair, offer new products from leading brands to your target audiences. Also, make sure to promote these products on social media to inform clients and increase your client base.

Add fresh flowers to your salon’s window displays. Nothing speaks summertime more than flowers.

Whether it is sunflowers or dahlias, you can hang bouquets of your favorite flowers in your window.

Product packaging

Many salon businesses do not realize the significance of packaging. Product packaging makes a lasting impression on clients and says something about your business.

Always use professional packing materials for your merchandise. You can use themed packages to tell the story of your salon.

Do not be afraid to use colored packing materials but do not overdo it. You do not want to look tacky and unprofessional.

By following these tips, your merchandise sales will increase in no time.

For more information on expanding the client base and income of your salon, contact Salon Income Booster.

At Salon Income Booster, we offer expert guidance on all aspects of running a salon, including marketing, merchandising and optimizing retail displays – among other factors.

Whether you are running a hair, skin or nail salon, we can help you take it to the next level. You can also count on us for skincare and consulting solutions. We’re here to help you maximize your salon’s returns.