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Crucial Tips on Making Waxing a Success at Your Salon Business

The waxing station at your salon is offering some promising results and you’re excited. Easy and effective, waxing is a popular service that almost anyone can opt for.

But how do you make sure that with so many salons out there, your customers come to you to get that smooth baby-soft skin?

Here’s what you need to do!

Tip#1: Stay in Touch

Follow up with your clients after they’ve had their wax, especially if you’re a new business. Ask them if they liked the service, what the result was and whether they feel any discomfort. Note down their feedback and ask them if they’d like to pre-book their appointment.

Tip#2: Make it Easy for them

Waxing isn’t entirely pain-free, nor is it relaxing. So pamper your clients before ripping those hairs from their body. Cleanse the area that needs to be waxed, and use soothing lotions or after-wax oil when they’re done. Remember, it’s these little things that’ll still to their minds.

Tip#3: Don’t Waste, but Don’t Skimp

Teach your staff the right waxing techniques and explain how the different utensils will be used so there’s minimum wastage. Alongside, teach them to not skimp out on any service otherwise you could run a health risk. Recycling used wax, re-using wax strips; double dipping with the same stick – all of these are all big no-no’s.

Tip#4: Offer Add-Ons for a Premium price

Ingrown hairs are the most common problem with waxing, so offer them an in-grown hair treatment for an additional small fee. Don’t worry about offering just one service or product alongside, even if it’s the treatment, a pair of tweezers or an exfoliating mitt. Consider it a great sale, since you’ll get more by offering a $20 worth of treatment to more clients than a $100 product to just one customer.

Tip#5: Use the Best Products

Use the best brand that you can find. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive one, but it shouldn’t be the cheapest in stock either. Using quality products will ensure your clients that they won’t have to worry about adverse effects like allergies and irritation. After all, you can’t spend time thinking about your clients getting splinters from the wooden spatulas you’ve been using when you have a business to run.

Tip#6: Keep it Clean

Hygiene is of the upmost importance when it comes to your waxing station, so make sure that the floor, the towels and the general environment is clean and spotless. The wax pot should be clean and without any waxy residue dripping down the sides. The bin should be out of view from the client’s sight and there should be no strings or even small bits of wax anywhere. You don’t want your client to go home with wax sticking to the bottom of their shoes.

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