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Upselling to your Existing Clients

We all know that as we take care of our clients hair, we have the opportunity to showcase many different styling, cleansing, and coloring products. In addition, having these products on hand gives our clients the chance to buy them. We are missing out on a huge opportunity to take care of other beauty needs our clients may have at the time of their appointment. These products make our clients feel better about themselves which makes them happy. Happy customers come back… and spend more money..

How can we expand our services (and profits) without adding a single employee?

What about their skin?

By providing your customers with a simple but effective product line using multi-med therapy for the most common skin issues:

-Wrinkles, fine lines, and large pores

-Dark Spots and Discoloration


–Sensitive skin and redness

Providing these products to your existing clients provides you income on a monthly basis while giving your customers the best skin of their lives.

What about their lashes?

By giving your customers an alternative to costly prescription medication with less side effects, you will help them with longer looking, darker looking, and fuller looking lashes.

What about hydration?

Everyone with any skin type will benefit from hydration. The proprietary hydration serum works to make your skin not only LOOK younger but ACT younger by locking in moisture form the atmosphere and boosts your skin hydration by 200%.

Why would your clients care about hydrated skin?

It will help with fewer lines and wrinkles, fewer blemishes, less sensitivity, and boosts product performance.

While we can work wonders with their cut and color; make our clients hair look unbelievable what if we were able to provide them with more of their beauty needs. We would ensure happy customers, build trust, ensuring repeat business and … MORE REFERALS!!

Ask me how you can provide your customers the #1 Premium Skin Care products.