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Valentine’s Day Strategies for Salons

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, women throughout the city will be chasing sales, checking out jewelry items, trying on new pumps, and placing orders for customized cupcakes.

But the industry with the most seasonal business will definitely be cosmetics and salons. With 14 Feb circled in bold red on calendars, women will scour every salon in town for special V-day deals! This is a day that lovers across the globe look forward to, and they want to look their best on date night.

Hotel reservations, special decorations, rooftop surprises, and much-awaited proposals all go to waste if you’re not looking absolutely ravishing in that cut dress with a bold red lip and arresting, fully-lashed eyes! Vanity and Valentine’s Day go hand in hand. It’s a day to celebrate love, and what better way to start it off than treating yourself with love and care.

Even though salon doors don’t shut throughout the day on this big occasion, only a few succeed in making this day truly special for a woman without raiding her wallet. It’s true, self-care and grooming matter a lot; but it shouldn’t cost a fortune.

Besides price-cuts and special discounts, there are innumerable other strategies that salons can employ to convert the maximum number of customers on V-Day. There’s no better day to make all that traffic into regular clients using expert services and flawless customer service.

Here are a few strategies to make your salon business boom on V-Day.

Team Up With Complementary Businesses

Partnerships with mutual benefits can help all businesses grow and cash in the commercial value of Valentine’s Day celebrations.

According to a survey, 15% of women prefer spa treatments as a Valentine’s Day present from their SO. This means huge business for salons! But there are more salons in business than you can count. How do stand out and make your business known?

Hint: it won’t hurt to get a bunch of red roses, a cake that says “Be Mine,” or a photo shoot after a salon makeover.

Joining forces with local florists, greeting card retailers, photography studios, or bakers will only bring in more business; clients will leave with happy grins on their faces. Not only does it help salons benefit from other businesses’ customer base, popularity, brand loyalty, and marketing, but it also makes their own services more wholesome.

Social Media Promotion For V-Day

14th Feb isn’t ages away! What are you waiting for?  Log in to your official account and begin a marketing fest on all social media platforms. Valentine’s Day is just the boost you need to kick-start your campaigns.

But all this sudden activity on social media can bombard the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the 71% of women who use social media and follow your brand. How do you not make it feel like spam? Don’t oversell Valentine’s Day by including the v-word in every single post. Begin your marketing ahead of time to create momentum which climaxes on 14th  Feb.

Use hashtags creatively to not make every post sound like stock text repeating itself. Using a standard template for all posts will make users lose interest in your campaign. Instead, center every post on hearts, love, romance, and beauty. This way, you can stay consistent with the theme and not sound repetitive and redundant either!

Endless E-mail Love

Use an email collection system to record the email addresses of followers who’re liking, following, commenting, and sharing your posts. You might need help at first before you get a hang of it, but once you do, it’ll be nothing but rewarding for your business.

How is this different from follower likes? A database of email addresses allows you to have a hoard of new clients who can be contacted in the future as well. Getting clients or online users to share their email IDs can be tricky, though. The way you handle their responses can either make or break the deal. With a more professional outlook and greater transparency, this strategy can even make you stand apart from the rest. Operating via email correspondence is undoubtedly more professional!

It also allows you to reach out to a different segment of the market which is not very active on social media and hence, would miss out on your updates. This includes working women, stay-at-home mothers, and a cohort of higher age-group women. Just because they don’t have the time to browse their newsfeed doesn’t meet they should be left out. Besides, this strategy will let you have a wider customer base on board which can lead to greater sales!

Complimentary Treats

Remember: one small deed can go a long way in buying you a long-term customer.

At first, it may seem like an additional expense, but trust us on this, it’ll accrue much greater profits for you than you expect. Ever wonder why kids push their parents to buy them a Happy Meal? A vast majority of young children have little concern about what they’re being fed. All they really care about is the FREE toy.

Apply the same logic to your business. Every adult is a child at heart, after all. And who wouldn’t want to save a few dollars on a free manicure, nail color, a shoulder massage, or a hairdo. If you’re worried about accommodating all these customers at once, issue gift cards and discount vouchers that can be availed in the future. This way, you can seal the deal with clients now but pay them back later!

If you don’t wish to offer complimentary salon services, surprise your customer with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, or one-bite chocolates served on a platter.

Geared up for Valentine’s Day business this February?

The experts at Salon Income Booster help increase hair and beauty salons’ incomes by enhancing salon retail merchandise and increasing revenues. Be it marketing strategies or income generation, they have a well-devised plan to help you get out of any crunch.

They also help budding entrepreneurs navigate through the industry by assisting them with investment plans and consulting solutions for a promising start to their salon business. If you need to give your business expert treatment this time of the year before Valentine’s Day, get in touch with us!