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How to Weed Out Troublemakers When Interviewing Candidates for Your Salon

For any business, their biggest asset is their employees. But when employees don’t perform or slack off, it can cost the business thousands of dollars in revenue.

As a salon owner, the way your employees behave—their overall attitude toward clients and work—says a lot about the type of business you operate. Your clients will associate your services with the overall performance of your staff.

If a client walks in, only to find your front desk staff engaged in conversation with no regards for their customers’ time, they will leave with a negative impression.

It goes without saying that you can’t read the minds of your employees when you’re hiring them. Most people put on their best performance during job interviews.

But there are some of ways to weed out troublemakers and poor-performance candidates during interviews that can save you from unnecessary headaches.

Here’s what you should take into consideration:

Pre-Interview Candidates

Every minute is precious when you’re running a salon. You don’t want to have to deal with a candidate who will waste the next 30 minutes of your time.

The best way to tackle this problem is through pre-interviews. Save yourself the hassle by screening them on the phone before actually calling them in for an interview.

You’ll weed out the weak-minded and unimpressive candidates. Look out for signs that prove the individual lacks confidence. A confident employee who knows their stuff is what you’re looking for.

Look Out for Those Who Are Uncommitted from the Start  

If you give them a list of interview dates and they make excuses for why they can’t show up (baby-sitting, visiting family, or any other excuse,) don’t call them in.

If they have a bunch of excuses for not showing up for the interview, how will they show up for work? Hire someone who is committed to the job even on a rainy day.

Bad-Mouthing Former Employer

Watch out for gossiping hens and those who bad-mouth their former employer. It doesn’t matter what took place at their previous job. What matters is how they will get along with others and how their relationship will be with you.

Are they going to talk behind your back too? Are they going to indulge in gossip? Consider this before hiring them.

Surveys show that 8 years is the maximum employee tenure. But most new recruits don’t stay for more than 6 months. If that’s been the case with the candidate, ask them why they left. Was it monetary growth or something else? If they have a lot of troubles with their employer, reconsider.

Watch Out for Body Language  

Body language says a lot about what we’re thinking. Studies show that it takes 7 seconds to make a lasting impression.

Look out for signs that the candidate is nervous or taking everything casually. There’s a huge difference between being confident and being casual. If someone doesn’t look serious, don’t hire them.

However, if they are confident in their social capabilities, know how to talk the talk, walk the walk, and seem reliable, they have potential.

The tone they use, the way they speak, their overall manners, the way they dress are all things to take into consideration.

Remember that you can’t eliminate every troublemaker but you can reduce your chances of hiring one.

Want to learn more? Consult with Salon Income Booster! We offer marketing ideas and strategies on managing beauty salons.

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